Tuesday, April 30, 2013

SCAM CITY - Eye Opening!

Scams, rip-offs, bad purchases, customer complaints…DMA Portland reviews some implications that a lack of integrity in business dealings could have on your results and what constitutes a ‘scam.’ Heck, some people think that there is even a DMA Portland scam going on. This is completely absurd. Let's review.

DMA Portland | Scam City

Jason Royce of DMA Portland reviews the hit show Scam City on NatGeo where the host of the show 'gets scammed so you don't have to.' Jason reviews...

I recently watched an episode of Scam City on National Geographic and it really opened my eyes to the things that people are doing to one another…just to make a buck. Scam City, hosted by Conor Woodman, dives deep into the inner workings scams and money-making ploys. This is truly an enlightening show and the theme of it is ‘I get scammed so you don’t have to!’ Check out the IMDB page for Scam City here.

In the morning meeting, I discussed a recent episode of Scam City that I had caught on the National Geographic Channel. The particular episode I had seen dealt with the scams in Dubai. The television show portrayed the city of Dubai as one of the filthiest cities in the world. I’m sure the city has its good side, but that wouldn't make a very good show, would it? The scams some of these people pulled ranged from the fairly light-hearted ‘fooled me once’ type of thing to the utterly horrendous.

The introductory piece of the program, Scam City, was fairly light-hearted. The host interviewed children who were selling old roses after removing the wilted outer layers for a few cents to tourists. The funny thing is, these children would dress themselves up in bandages and then color these bandages with red magic marker to get more money. Apparently they had tried this money-making scheme without and didn't do as well.

  • After I reviewed this way of ‘producing income’ with the staff of DMA Portland Oregon, I asked the question: “The act was short of integrity, but was it a scam?”

The less light-hearted portion of the program brought the medical profession, if you can call it that, to light. If you were to get sick in Dubai, you could easily find a doctor to treat your illness; however, that ‘doctor’ may not be certified to practice medicine. Meaning, they have neither formal training nor practice in real medicine. The prices of the services of these ‘doctors’ should be a tell-tale. I think you could get some ‘medicine’ from one of them for around $5.00. Many tourists and visitors go to one of these thousands of doctors because they think that it’s a ‘good deal’ and they don’t have a lot of money. In the long run, I’m sure they aren't thinking that.

  • Again I asked DMA Portland employees if this was a scam. Their answers were all over the board, but they came to the conclusion that if people in the city were portraying themselves as certified medical professionals and charging people for services, it indeed could be classified as a scam.

Now for the worst. Another piece of the program showed how easy it is to actually pull off insurance fraud by obtaining a death certificate. Apparently it’s fairly common to get authentic papers signed by an authority in the city…but there’s a fee. The scammers have to make their money too, you know? Why someone would want to do that is beyond me.

In order to truly succeed long term, visit our DMA Portland Reviews post to see what our assistant manager says about success and the key characteristics of successful people.

DMA Portland on Scams

I can understand the hustle of the people in the city. The average weekly income for a person living in India is less than $5.00 (U.S. currency). There aren't a lot of high paying jobs in most of the cities, and if there are, they are filled. So, what is a person to do to make money?

Well, there certainly is a difference between selling roses and faking your own death and committing insurance fraud, isn't there?

Just what is a scam?

Here’s what Merriam-Webster says about the word ‘scam.’

DMA Portland Scam

That really doesn't give us too much direction, huh?

What makes something a scam?

Well it really depends on the consumer’s viewpoint. Did the children selling the roses tell them that they were going to use the money to go and receive medical attention? If so, you could consider that a scam. Did they imply it? Well, there is less grounds to call that one a scam. People received a rose in return for a few cents. They knew the deal. I wouldn't consider this one a scam.

Defrauding insurance companies; however, is definitely a scam.

I hold the opinion that any time an individual receives substantial gain as a result of a false claim, it is considered fraudulent – or scamming.

Job scams can also be considered fraudulent as well. WARNING: If any company requires you to pay for application fees or training, it may be a scam. Check with the Better Business Bureau before seeking ‘employment’ with those companies. However, I know a lot of financial advisers and insurance agents who had to pay for their training and training materials in the beginning, so not all jobs requiring payment are scams.

Not that DMA Portland jobs require money, in fact the opposite is true – they make an individual money, but just food for thought. I guess this should probably indicate to you that there isn't a DMA Portland scam going on in Oregon too. :)

Thank you for reading the DMA Portland Scam City Review!.

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